The Rich Immigrant

101: The Financial Milestones That Actually Matter

Dee Olateru Season 9 Episode 101

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Early on in my financial journey I came across an article about financial milestones by age and I was completely discouraged by it. Why? Because based on my life circumstances, I was no where near the milestones for my age.  

Instead of looking at age based milestones, in this episode of the podcast, I focus on 5 financial milestones that actually matter regardless of your age. 

1. Living Below Your Means (& Investing Early and Often)
2. Having and honouring your financial boundaries
3. Becoming Financially Literate/Aware
4. Avoiding Lifestyle Creep When You Become A High Earner
5. Building Wealth and Making Money Conversations The Norm With Your Kids

Now, I think those milestones are good guidelines, but they are probably work for those who live a very check-the-box lifestyle with everything going to plan from birth! Unfortunately, this is not the story for most of us.  Now, over a decade later, while I didnt start out close to the milestone for my age, I'm on track to exceed the next financial milestone. 

Thank you for the gift of your time and attention. Thank you for listening to this episode of the Rich Immigrant podcast, please give the podcast a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, subscribe, and share this episode with someone in your world that needs to hear these conversations. Please join our community online at or on Instagram at 'Therichimmigrant.'